Hot spots for climate adaptation

It's great that you have opened our Deltalife. You may be in the middle of an urbanised area right now. In fact, that's fairly likely: 70% of the eighteen million inhabitants of the Netherlands live in cities, and migration to cities is continuing throughout the world.

Cities are hot spots of economic and social activity. Most investment takes place in these areas. But cities are also 'hot spots' for climate adaptation, with rising temperatures and increasingly extreme weather. Water surpluses and shortages are a challenge for the future-resilience of the safety, habitability and health of cities.

The impact of climate change on the challenges in water and soil management, the climate-resilient development of infrastructure, and the role of the water and soil system in greenhouse gas reduction and the energy transition constitute the core of our knowledge base.

In this issue, we describe some striking examples for you. Our innovative research into the risks and lifespan of quays and bridges in Amsterdam, for example, or how surface water heats and cools buildings in places like Pijnacker. How water and soil are leading Amsterdam and Kampen to make soil healthy. What we are doing to improve water quality in the city of Utrecht. Obviously, there are also international examples: New Orleans is actively applying Nature-Based Solutions and we are working in Paramaribo on an efficient drainage system.

There is a common thread in all these wonderful stories: our knowledge is developed in collaboration. Questions about the climate resilience of our cities require a high level of integrated thinking and working. Knowledge about the water and soil system comes together in the city, and therefore in our projects, with knowledge about spatial planning, building, health, mobility and governance. In that way, quality and impact in the city go hand in hand.

We hope you enjoy reading Deltalife!

In this edition

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el ipsum.”

Annemieke Nijhof

'Our knowledge is developed in collaboration'

Annemieke Nijhof, Managing Director Deltares