Delivering impact
Our mission, Enabling Delta Life, is more urgent than ever. Deltas are changing worldwide in response to factors such as climate change and population growth. We want to keep our deltas liveable, safe and resilient. Working with our partners on research and innovation, we aim to create a positive societal impact.
This is a collection of stories on the road to creating impact. The stories are collected in five chapters, that exemplify the societal challenges where we wish to lead the way in the years to come.
Dutch national missions (MMIP)
Climate resilient rural areas
Improving water quality
Sustainable management North Sea
Sustainable management of rivers and estuaries
Sustainable implementation of water infrastructure
Adapting to extreme weather
Digitalisation in water management
Offshore energy
Renewable energy production on land
Sustainable heating in the built environment
Sustainable development goals
Good health and well-being

Affordable and clean energy

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Sustainable cities and communities

Partnerships for the goals